All-On-4 Dental Implants

(239) 275-8880

All-on-4® in Fort Myers

Damaged or missing teeth can make you hide your smile for many years. Besides affecting your smile aesthetics, missing teeth can impair your speech and ability to chew. While you can replace several or an entire set of missing teeth with dentures, some people find them uncomfortable and inconvenient as they can slip off.

If you are tired of your regular dentures or are interested in dental implants, All-on-4 can be an effective alternative. At the practice of Jay Shartzer, DDS, we can restore your oral function with All-on-4 in Fort Myers so you can eat, smile, and speak confidently. Schedule an appointment to learn how to solve your oral problems with our reliable All-on-4 treatment.


The Benefits of All-on-4 Treatment

All-on-4 treatment can replace a full set of missing teeth, rely on four implants to support the top and bottom arches of replacement teeth. It comes with numerous benefits that make it an effective treatment for tooth loss over traditional dentures. Below are the benefits you will enjoy with our All-on-4 treatment in Fort Myers.

Stability: All-on-4 restorations rely on implants for support. The implants secure your dentures and keep them from falling out. They also improve your chewing efficiency, which allows you to eat whatever you want comfortably.

Affordability: All-on 4 doesn’t involve multiple procedures, making it cost-effective. You only need four implants to replace an entire arch of teeth, and the short recovery time means fewer trips to the dentist for follow-ups or checkups. If you are on a budget but still want a reliable tooth replacement solution, All-on-4 is a wise choice.

Reduced chance of sinus lift: In some cases, you can get All-On-4 treatment without first getting a sinus lift. We can angle the All-on-4 restorations to compensate for reduced jawbone mass.

Quicker treatment and healing: All-on-4 dentures take less time to place when compared to multiple single implants replacing individual teeth. Additionally, the treatment has a short recovery period, and you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible.

Easy to maintain: Unlike traditional dentures that you need to remove for cleaning and soak overnight, implant-supported dentures make oral hygiene easier. You can brush and floss your All-on-4 restorations just as you would your natural teeth.

If you have experienced significant tooth loss, you should consider All-on-4 treatment to restore the functionality and beauty of your smile.

What to Expect During an All-on-4 Treatment

Our All-on-4 treatment is a straightforward procedure that we carry out in four steps. You can expect the following process when you come to our practice for All-on-4 in Fort Myers.

  1. Detailed Examination: Our  dentist will begin with an in-depth examination to help plan your treatment. Some of the details we check during your initial assessment include health records, pre-existing conditions, facial structure needs, as well as whether you currently have dentures..
  2. Oral Scans: We use CT scans and panoramic x-rays to evaluate your oral health and get the scope of your treatment needs. The scans help identify where to place replacement teeth and the location of nerves, jawbone, and sinuses.
  3. Implant Simulation: After establishing your dental needs, our dentist will use a computer to create a simulation of the implants. He will then place them at the appropriate position within the jawbone to provide the best support for your dentures. We also create your restorations to fit your unique smile.
  4. Oral Surgery: Lastly, our implant dentist will surgically place the implants into your jaw before securing your new teeth. We work with an anesthetist to provide IV sedation to help you relax and make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

We offer resin and zirconia restoration options for you to choose from. Resin and zirconia materials differ in cost and appearance, and you can select your preferred material depending on your budget and your cosmetic goals.

Am I a Candidate for All-on-4?

All-on-Four implants in Fort MyersTo ensure you are an ideal candidate for the All-On-4 treatment, we qualify all patients through an examination focusing on your gum health and bone structure. To be eligible for All-on-4, you should meet the following requirements:

  • Sufficient Jawbone: Sufficient jawbone supports the implants and provides the necessary stability for your All-on-4 restorations. In case of an inadequate jawbone, you may have to undergo a bone graft to boost your bone density before your treatment. We perform bone grafts to prepare you for your implant-supported dentures before your treatment.
  • Excellent Oral Health: Your gum and overall oral health should be good to create a healthy foundation for your restorations. It is also necessary to prevent complications after your treatment. If you have issues with your gum health, we will provide treatment to help you boost your oral health before proceeding with All-on-4 placement.

Rebuild Your Smile With All-on-4 Dental Implants in Fort Myers

At the practice of Jay Shartzer, DDS, we believe everyone deserves a smile they can feel good about. Whether you have lost several or all of your natural teeth or want to upgrade from traditional dentures, we can help. Our All-on-4 treatment in Fort Myers can restore your entire smile in just a few appointments, giving you the ability to eat, speak, and smile like you used to. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!


Healthy Smiles

What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.
